Cathal Mac Aoidh

Cathal Mac Aoidh

A chuisle sa stór sa ghrách mban ógIs a chas deas a mhróg is aighle ar a tshaoighalNil aon chaptín na bhóinn go doire seoghal Asgapa an tór le Cathal Mac Aoidh.

Súithe ar bórd agus déinfé ceolAgas sgapa ór go leor a tshaoighal ach laoimh anna ghlaic agus é síor déina creach dheannfeadh creachIs an réim sin g stad le Cathall Mac Aoidh.

A rígh fhlaitheamhnas bheir solas ansa ngreinGo sa bhaka ar thubaist an tsaolIs nach bhfuil oiread ab ein bforcluighearr a bheulNach nabaran liom fein go ngoidfinn an saoighal.

Thug siad a neitheae gaduighe me féinAir son me bheith eudtrom araideach baoithIs mbainfuin luach eudaigh do bhodachaigh an bheurlaC ia bheith na dheig air Chathall Mac Aoidh.

bhfaicfasa sánuighe bodach a sgalaA sponóg iona lámh is é sloga a cuid bídheIs mise arm o samhas amuinth annsa stábláAn gillín is feaghar le Cathall sa srian.

uilliam piarar an giortáire fiataAgas allas a diabhail aige mar mnaoidheIs aoibhinn sas cródha a gheobhainse ealarAir a cuid ma doracha an oidhce

maghaol le ui neill is le maguibhir ua an sgeithIs gach naisle mhéid dtig liom a ráitRaighle agus ruarcaigh mathamhnuighe agus búrcaigeGeallach gach coige Cathall Mac Aoidh.

Transcription by Edel Churraoin.
Cathal Mac Aoidh

The pulse and dear and the love of young women, His right foot of his shoe the loveliest in this lifeThere is no captain or coin to the end of this worldThat would spread the gold with Cathal Mac Aoidh.

He will sit at the table and musicAnd will share all the gold of his lifeHe has but poison in his hold and would forever make plunderThat reign stops with Charles McGee.

The God of heaven who gave the sun lightThat you see me at the tragedy of lifeAnd who has not enough that would open his mouthThat I would not say to myself that I would steal life.

They gave an untruth, I am no thiefTo make me be light, silly and foolishAnd if one took the value of clothes of the English youths, It would be a good thing on Cathal Mac Aoidh.

If you saw the strong youth in this storyHis spoon is his hand and him swallowing his foodAnd me peaceful out in the stableCathal's favourite horse in the bridle.

Translation by Edel Churraoin.