Katty Flannigan

Katty Flannigan

IAt the dead of the night, when by whiskey inspired,And pretty Katty Flannigan my senses had fired.I tap’d at her window when thus she began,Oh what the devil are you at, oh what the devil are you at,get out you naughty man.

III gave her a look, O as fly as a Thief,Or when hungry I’d view a fine Sirloin of Beef,My heart is red hot, says I, but cold is my skin,So pretty Mistress Flannigan, O wont you let me in,

IIIShe open’d the door, I sat down by the fire,And soon was reliev’d from the wet cold and mire,And pleas’d her so mightily, that e’er it was day,I stole poor Katty’s tender heart, and so trip’d away.