The Drapier’s Ballad. To the Tune of the London ’Prentice

The DRAPIER’s BALLADTo the Tune of the London ’Prentice

1.Of a Worthy Dublin DRAPIERMy Purpose is to speak;Who for no private Interest,But for his Country’s Sake;By vertuous Honour led,Egregious Hazards run,And so he set his Country freeCou’d more have undergon.

2.Twice was he persecutedBy t[raitor]s to the State:And twice by Vertue guarded,He did their Wiles defeat.Seek all the World about,And you will hardly find,A Man, for Honour, to exceedThis DRAPIER’s gallant Mind.

3.He was bred in Dublin:The Chief of Wits was he;From thence went up to London,A ’Prentice for to be:A Banker near the CourtDid like his Service so,That a warm Farm, in his own Land,He did on him bestow.

4.When back again to IrelandThis worthy DRAPIER came,He cast about most noblyT’advance its Wealth and Fame:And had the simple NativesObserv’d his Sage Advice,Their Wealth and Fame, some Years ago,Had soar’d above the Skies.

5.For of the them admonish’dTo mind the Draping Trade:And wear no ManufacturesBut what themselves had made;But while by thoughtless MortalsHis Scheme neglected lay,Some Foes unto their Country’s WealHis Person wou’d betray.

6.When thus her Sons turn EnemiesWhat Nation free can last!And now, to quite enslave us,A Champion over past:Copper Armour Clad,A Wooden Tool of Might;Who by his Boasts of Power, didAll Ireland affright.

7.With just Disdain the DRAPIERBeheld his Brazen Pride:He cou’d not hear with PatienceHow he our Laws defy’d;Forgetting former Wrongs,Unto our Aid he slew,And with resistless Courage soonThis Giant overthrew.

8.But oh! the curst IngratitudeOf Some ------------ No matter whereLet all their Names in HistoryWith Infamy appear:For (to Reward his LoveIn saving of the Land)They plotted to deliver himInto the t[raitor]s Hand.

9.The DRAPIER at this TreatmentWas not a Whit dismaid,But, for his Country’s SafetyMore than his own, afraid,He bravely sent them WordHe’d stand the Brunt of all,If they wou’d but secure the LandFrom Wood’s Brazen Thrall.

10.Thus doth the Gallant DRAPIERHis Trade and all expose,To save the Land from ForeignAnd from Domestick Foes:Who their own Turns to serve,Most basely wou’d agree,To bring us in Dependence,Who are by Nature FREE.

11.For he hath shew most clearlyWe can’t be free by halves:And who’re to Subjects SubjectCan be no less than Slaves;That we no Acts have made(And grant we never may)To give our Brethren TitleTo their pretended Sway.

12.Then, with your constant Praises,The DRAPIERS Name adorn:While those who wou’d betray himDeserve your utmost Scorn;In honouring his WorthLike greatful Friends be found;And with his Health next to the King’sLet Glasses still be Crown’d.