Dulci resultet cantico

1.Dulci resultet canticoleta turba fideliumsancto decantans Cannicotota virtute cordium.

2.Qui natus in Kenaciaclaram traxit origineattingens Dei graciavirtutum celsitudine

3.Hic ab adolescenciaiugum portavit Dominidivina providenciasancto se donans ordini.

4.Mundum calcat sub pedibussuspirans ad celestiamultis clarus virtutibusletus gaudet in patria.

5.In Trinitate simplicisoli Deo sit Gloriaqui prece sancti Cannicinos ducat ad celestia.

With sweet singing letthe joyful crowd of the faithful resoundchanting to St Canicewith the whole capacity of their hearts.

He who was born in Keenaghtdrew good repute from his originsby the grace of God reachingto the height of virtue.

This man from his youthcarried the yoke of the Lordby divine providencegiving himself to Holy Orders.

He treads the world beneath his feetyearning for heavenly things,famous for many virtuesjoyful he exults in his homeland.

In the undivided Trinitylet glory be to God alonewho through the prayer of Saint Canicemay lead us to heavenly things.