Christo canamus gloriam

1. Christo canamus gloriam,qui per beatam Brigidamdecoravit Hyberniam,vitam dans eius lucidam.

2. Hec speculum mundiciequae mundo late claruit;hec rosa temperanciecuius virtus non languit.

3. Manco manum restituit;leprosos mundans maculis;gressum claudis exhibuit;sanans privatos oculis.

4. Cenam fecit mirabilemmultis de uno modio;totum prebens durabilemtoto paschali gaudio.

5. Gloria tibi Dominequi natus est de virginecum patre et sancto spirituin sempiterna secula.

1. Christ’s glory let us singWho through the blessed BrigitAdorned Ireland.Granting her a light-giving life.

2. She is the mirror of purityThat lit up the wide world,She is the rose of temperanceWhose strength never failed.

3. She restored the hand cut off,Cleansed lepers from their ills,She showed the lame how to walk,Healed those who had lost their sight.

4. She made a marvellous banquetFor many from a single peck of corn,Granting all the peck to lastFor the whole joy of Eastertide.

5. Glory to you O Lord,who was born of the Virgin,with the Father and the Holy Spiritfor all ages.